Abby’s Closet
Our wish is that each “Abby’s Closet” be a source of assistance to students and even encourage their desire to learn and further their education. Abby’s Closets provide so much more than pencils and paper. Each space offers hope and acceptance while greeting students with Abby’s giving spirit.
Abby Loved School
Closets we've stocked since 2013
Fun & Needed
School Supplies
In this spirit, the Foundation creates an “Abby’s Closet” in schools. This space is designated to stock the required supplies for each grade, and some fun funky stuff too. We know there are families who cannot provide even the basics to begin the year of replenish as needed in the following month. Our wish is that each “Abby’s Closet” be a source of assistance to these students and possibly even encourage their desire to learn and further their education. We have only one requirement – the students that can benefit from “Abby’s Closet” never feel outcast or needy. The purpose is so that they feel they belong.
Abby’s Closet Locations
There are Abby’s Closets in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools around the state and beyond.

Elementary Schools:
Coweta County
- Atkinson
- Brooks
- Canongate
- Eastside
- Elm Street
- Jefferson Parkway
- Moreland
- Newnan Crossing
- Northside
- Odyssey Charter School
- Poplar Road
- Ruth Hill
Thomas Crossroads
- Welch
- White Oak
Willis Road
Carroll County
- Carrollton Upper Elementary School
- Sharp Creek Elementary
Dekalb County
- Hawthorne Elementary
Fulton County
- Westside Atlanta Charter
Heard County
- Heard County Elementary
Outside of Georgia
- Fall River (Roderfield, WV)
Kimball (Kimball, WV)
- Savannah (Aubrey, TX)
Welch (Welch, WV)

Middle Schools:
Coweta County
- East Coweta
- Evans
- Maggie Brown Alternative Middle School
Smokey Road
Carroll County
- Bay Springs
- Mt. Zion
- Temple
Villa Rica
Fayette County
Fulton County
- Westside Atlanta Charter School
Gwinnett County
Lilburn Middle School
- Trickum Middle School
Heard County
Heard County Middle School

High Schools:
Coweta County
East Coweta
Carroll County
- Bowdon
- Central
- Mt. Zion
- Villa Rica
Heard County
Heard County
Mt. View (Welch, WV)
Outside of Georgia
Mt. View (Welch, WV)

Other Locations:
- Angels House
- Howard Warner Boys & Girls Club
- Our House (Auburn, AL)
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