Support Us

There are several ways to donate and support our work.

2024 Rainbow Run Sponsorships

Become a sponsor and show your support with one of six sponsorship level options that range from $100 to $2,000.

Direct Donation

Donate directly to the Abby’s Angels Foundation through our Donation Portal. You have the ability to make a one-time or a recurring donation and can pay by credit card.

Kids Can Give Too

Through this organization, kids can choose a charity for their birthday party guests to donate to in place of gifts.  Then the child gets a visa gift card from Kids Can Give Too!

Community Rewards

It is easy to support us. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! Enroll your card in the Abby’s Angels Program by clicking the link below.

Donate Life

A nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase the number of donated organs to save and heal lives through transplantation. Get registered today.

Request a Speaker

Do you have an event where you would like us to come and speak? We especially enjoy presenting to teens. We can present on a number of appropriate, timely topics.